Access to gender-affirming care ‘overly burdensome,’ says trans Nova Scotian

1 comment:

  1. No, the requirements are not overly burdensome. Stop acting like you know better then medical professionals. Felix may not like the information they were given but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain requirements to get surgery in place for a reason. If you’re overweight, doing a surgery like that is risky and losing weight prior makes sense. Stop making your issues everyone else’s issues and using the guise of you being trans as the reason you’re being “denied” things. Also Felix is not actually a trans person, just another person on a LONG list of individuals who are trans because it gets them attention. I knew Felix personally for a number of years and can tell you they are delusional and need professional help. Stop complaining and hit the gym if you want your surgery. I’m so sick of watching people accommodate people like this because they are afraid to be call bigots. Felix also says you don’t need gender dysphoria to be trans, then why on earth are you transitioning? ATTENTION.


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